How to style hair – Main hair styling tips

How to style hair - Main hair styling tips

Having that perfect hairstyle is vital no matter the occasion. In fact, your gorgeous dress and perfect makeup might fail to make the best impression unless you are donning the right hairstyle that matches perfectly with your face, style and dress.The role played by hair is huge in this trendy generation. But running around the every new hair style is not a good option to hop. You need to follow some basic tips to get a perfect hair and here are the tips to stylish your hair and its looks.

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Find your hair type

The basic step you need to do is evaluating the hair type. If you find the hair type then there will be a clear path to do the next. For example, sharp spikes suits to a person whose hair kind is straight, but is tough to create with thick and curly hair.

The style, length and looks of the hair can be changed but it relies on the interest you put on shaping the hair. So, divide some time to your hair and for its maintenance in every day.

Hair products

If you want to start using the hair products, initially start with the casual products under less expensive. When you find out the right one, switch to the best brand accordingly. Here is a list of few hair products which can help you to reach your dreaming hair style.

Serums or creams

Serums and creams helps your hair to turn frizz-free, they make the hair stiff and immovable.


Pomade or hair clay or hair wax can be used to mould the hardest shapes that you are craving for. If your hair type is straight and are seeking for strict curls then go with pomade. Apply these kind of products lightly as they take many washes to leave the hair.


Gel is used for the similar action of pomade but gel contains alcohol, which makes the hair dry and turns it more stiffer enough to appear.

Hair glue

Have you ever opened your mouth while watching the standing hair, it is lull, you can try it even by using a hair glue. Hair glue holds the hair in the strongest possible manner. But one must need to be careful when dealing with hair glue.

According to situation

Situation or an event matters a lot for your hair style. The way you move to office differs with the look that you opt when you are going to a party or pub.

Ride in the perfect direction

Every one has their own hair style depending up on the way they comb,  whether you comb it right, left, up, back or straight down make sure that suits to your face and hair kind. Test a couple of hair styles with your hair and follow the one that makes you even better, inspite of following the trendy styles sticking to the one that suits you better is a good option. How ever, don’t pass the new hair style without testing on you.

Unlike using a comb which gives you structured combing finger combing works well to open the waves on your hair.

Set it with hair spray

If you are worrying about to lose the hair style on the day long then set it with the hair spray. Use the hair spray just after finishing your styling. You can choose a product with light or strong hold.

Here are some more hairstyling tips that can help you to get that perfect hairstyle,

  • Always choose a hairstyle that goes perfectly with the shape of your face. A hairstyle that matches with your face can enhance your overall appearance extensively. Try to avoid hairstyles that place maximum stress on the hair roots. These hairstyles can be damaging for your hairs and can trigger hair fall.
  • If you are looking for volume, using a foaming mousse can be the best option at hand. You can apply it to your damp hair and then blow it dry by flipping your head over or you can apply it directly to your air vent brush before you style your hair. This will distribute the mousse evenly and ensure that your hairs look voluminous.
  • The way to get natural curls without using heat curlers is to make small braids with your wet hair at night before going to bed. Sleep over with the braids on and in the morning undo the braids before using a texturing spray onto the natural waves you have got.
  • When trying to get curls by using a curling iron, never start at the end of your hairs; start at the middle and go all the way down. This will not only make your curls look more pronounced but will also help them to last longer.
  • Different types of hairbrushes can be used for giving different effects to your hairs. While a flat brush can be ideal for more or less everything except curling, a boar bristle brush can be perfect to add shine to your hairs.
  • If you find your ponytail too thin you can easily fake its volume by following the double ponytail style. Make a small ponytail at the upper part of the back of your hair and then do another pony tail just below it. Brush up the hairs well and it will look like a single ponytail with more volume and length.
  • You can add a different look to your overall appearance by using hair extensions in the right way. Using hair extensions for hair styling is one of the most commonly used ways. So, if you have a special party to attained, simply use some hair extensions to get longer and fuller hairs that you can style as you wish.
  • Using a hair spray to set your hairstyle is certainly the best way to complete, but if you are running out of your hairspray or you do not like to use that chemical on your hairs, go for setting in your hairstyle by blowing your hair alternately with cold and warm air. This sets in your hairs better and for longer.
  • While curling your hairs, do not use the curler on the last half inch of your hairs. Curling the upper part will naturally give them some curls and the total effect will look more natural.
  • If you have straight hairs and you want to curl them up the easiest way is to divide your hairs into small strands and then curling them up with your fingers before covering them within an aluminum foil. Now apply a flat iron on the foil itself. This can make the task of curling your hairs easier and will also make the curls last longer.
  • To make your hairstyle set at the right place for long use bobby pins with the wavy side down. You can also make the pins sit more tightly for longer by spraying some hairspray onto them. For securing a bun strongly use spin pins instead of bobby pins.
  • We all have the general wisdom that a hair spray should only be sprayed onto the hairs, but in reality it is a much logical and easier way to spray the product onto your hands first and then applying it on your hairs with the help of your hands.

The best way to tame any flyaway hair is to apply hairspray to a toothbrush and then smothering the flyaways with it.

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from Beauty & Health Tips
Originally posted in Beauty & Health Tips

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