Top face packs to remove the patchy skin

amazing face packs for patchy skin

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Undesirable patches will make your skin appear so dull and dirty. This is when you feel ashamed to move out in public and make a show of your skin. These days more people are suffering from patchy skin problems Some consider the same as a kind of skin disease or skin disorder. In case you want to have a clear and smooth skin without any patches you have to take to the best of precautionary solutions to help the skin be in the best of state. At times due to unknown reasons you can see patches appearing on certain parts of the skin. They can be caused due to both external and internal reasons.

Some skin areas which don’t match with the real color of the skin, looks dull and patchy is known to be as patchy skin. It is more of a disease and has many general reasons for its appearance. Some of the important factors that are contributing for the rough, dull and patchy areas on the skin includes hormonal imbalance, change in the concentration of the melanin, vascular blood vessels change and over sensitivity of the skin.

The change in the melanin concentration also varies with some factors like pollutants in the atmosphere, over expose to ultra violet rays etc. Poor food habits, deficiency of nutrients and excess stress and tension are the back bones of hormonal imbalances.

Today’s world is seeking for the perfect fair and flawless skin, but if you are caught with the dull patches then how you could be star of your crew! With few changes in the eating habits, regular skin care, protecting the skin from dangerous chemicals and pollutants along with the face packs will help you to come out from the patchy hedge. Let us see the home made face packs for the beautiful,even tone and patchy-free skin.

Home remedies for patchy skin

Honey and lemon pack

One tablespoon of honey
Two tablespoons of lemon
Few drops of olive oil

How to do
Mix the above three ingredients and apply this mixture on your face, leave it for nearly 30 minutes and then wash off with cold water. This simple remedy helps to make your skin soft and even toned.

Coconut pack

Two tablespoons of coconut oil
Two tablespoons of sea kale powder

How to do
Coconut oil for the dry skin shows nearly the magic. It helps to alleviate the dryness and its associated patchy skin areas. Mix two tablespoons of sea kale powder with two tablespoons of coconut oil. Use this paste to massage on your face and neck for five to ten minutes. Leave the mixture as it is for about 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse off with lemon drops diluted luke warm water.

Multani mitti pack

Two tablespoons of multani mitti
Two tablespoons of yogurt

How to do
Multani mitti or fuller’s earth face pack works effective in treating the patchy skin areas. Take two tablespoons of multani mitti in a bowl and add it two tablespoons of yogurt, let the multani mitti soak for 30 minutes in the yogurt. Now apply this paste on your face entirely and leave it for some time until it becomes dry. Start rinsing the pack with luke water followed by cold water.

Tomato face pack

One tablespoon of tomato juice
One tablespoon of olive oil
Two tablespoons of mint leaves juice
Few drops of lemon juice

How to do
Mix all the above ingredients and then apply this mixture on your clean face, leave if for around 20 minutes and then wash off with cold water.

Milk face pack

Two tablespoons of milk powder
One tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide
Few drops of glycerin

How to do
Mix the milk powder with glycerin and hydrogen peroxide as per the noted quantities. Spread it on your face and let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse off your face with normal water.

The Magnificent Mint Pack

To avoid the patches you can make the best use of the mint face pack. This s perfectly soothing for your skin and after the application you are sure to feel so fresh and rejuvenating.

Ingredients – To make the pack you need one tea spoon of mint powder. To this you have to add one table spoon of multani mitti and even one table spoon of yogurt will do good.

Procedure – First, you have to soak the multani mitti in the yogurt. The soaking should continue for at least thirty minutes. Now the yogurt and the multani mitti should be mixed well and then applied well on all parts of the face. Leave the pack for thirty minutes and then you need to wash off the same with lukewarm water at first and then the second washing should be done with cold water.

The Perfect Peppermint Pack

You can even prepare a peppermint face pack for perfect application to help the skin stay rid of patches and marks. This is once again a great way you can make the skin look so bright and blemish free.

Ingredients – To make the pack you are in need of one tea spoon of extract of peppermint. You also need brewer’s yeast to add to the pack. The amount should not be more than 25 grams. To the pack you also need to add one tea spoon of witch hazel extract and to this you should add one tea spoon of lemon juice and now all the ingredients should be mixed properly to be applied on the skin.

Procedure – The paste should be properly applied on all parts of the face and forehead. Wait for thirty minutes for the paste to dry. Now mix some drops of lemon juice to lukewarm water and use the same to wash your face. This makes your face look fresh and at the same time there is improved blood circulation. This is the perfect home based remedy you can adopt for a patch less sin.

Haldi and milk Patchy skin pack

You can treat patchy skin with a pack of haldi and milk. This is once again a wonder treatment for the skin. Haldi is a good solution to treat skin disorders and it is also the best solution to make the skin appear so perfectly radiant. Moreover, haldi comes with several antiseptic attributes and this is the reason you can have a confident application of the same on the skin.

Ingredients – To make the pack you have to collect raw haldi. You can even arrange for the haldi powder but the raw one is better for the skin. Take the raw haldi and make a paste of the same. The paste should be smooth. Solid lumps can make the paste imperfect for skin application. You should also add to the same two table spoon of raw milk. You can even make use of cream for a more smoothening skin effect.

Procedure – After you have made a paste of haldi you should take the same in a bowl and to this you must add two table spoon of raw milk. You can even add cream if you wish. Cream or milk helps in perfect skin nourishing. They make the skin appear so bright and glowing. Once you have well mixed haldi and milk you should make sure to add the pack to the patchy portions of the skin. This is more important to be applied on the exposed areas. Leave the solution to get fry for at least thirty minutes and then it is time that you wash off the same alternately with cold and warm water.

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