Best home remedies to remove the skin warts

skin warts

Warts are of several types which can be viewed over the skin layer of each individual. Some of the warts are painful and grows bigger with time. These are the particular variation of warts that needs immediate treatment or otherwise it can become worse. There is also situation when these painful warts have become cancerous. It is better to operate as instructed by your physician. Apart from these painful warts you can also find many other variations of warts that appear over your hands, face and legs but have no pain at all. Though these are not harmful and can disappear after few years, most of the ladies find them a hindrance within their beautification. If you want to remove them naturally, some home remedies can be availed.

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The extremely common skin warts are small lumps or skin growths present in various places of the body due to a virus human papillomavirus – HPV. This virus is infects the top layer of the skin and caused if we have been to skin damage. This virus infects us if we are in direct contact with the people who are having these warts.

The medical name of the wart is verruca vulgaris. In spite of being painless these warts can’t b cured easily and there is no exact treatment to follow.

There are six kinds of warts defined medically.

  • Most common warts looks with bumpy structure and they are often occur at hands and fingers. These are commonly seen at children.Flat warts, these plain warts appear on the back of face, hands and legs. They are small in size and are clustered form. Filiform warts, these warts occur mainly around the eyes, neck and face. Appear in long and thick structures.
  • Periungual warts, they come to the people who bite their nails and so appeared around the nails of the finger.Plantar warts are skin warts appears on the soles of feet.
  • Genital warts, Warts appearing on the genitalia are known to be genital warts.
  • The majority of skin warts passes without giving any specific treatment, that is they go off with out precise care. Though many people opt to get treated to come out from the irritation. Depending up on the success rate there are many curing treatments and here are some of the most common ones.
  • By using liquid nitrogen out can freeze the skin warts, by freezing there will be frobsite formed in the wart area and it leads to the destruction of the wart and also decrease in the HPV virus. You go for several freezing rounds to get relief from the wart.
  • Use Salicylic acid, it works most similar to liquid nitrogen in decreasing a skin wart. The chemical reaction of salicylic acid takes the skin wart to the end.
  • Try immune therapy, the treatment could not be done at home it is processes at centres. It follows by injecting the substance that reacts with the immune underneath the skin wart. Most of the centres uses the candida substance in treating the wart and it is a yeast captured from the skin. This treatment is more effective as it prevents the growth of HPV virus which gradually decrease the wart problem.
  • If you have the large and irritating warts then go for dermatologists treatment. They use lasers to remove the warts but one have go for painful moments once they are treated by lasers. Time takes for the pain to come down, so, opt this treatment if your warts are severe and in the need to be removed.
  • Duct tape, a news heralded the news that warts can be cured with the help of duct tapes. For this, cover your wart with the duct tape and allow it for next six days and remove the tape on the seventh day and remove skin there with the help of pumice stone. Follow the above steps repeatedly to get rid off the skin warts.
  • Never neglect a wart as they become cancerous too and few skin cancers have the look of skin warts.
  • Reach a doctor if the symptoms are unique or making you irksome.

Best home remedies to remove skin warts


You must have white vinegar easily available at home, all you have to do is take a spoon of two of vinegar and dip a cotton ball over it. Now apply the vinegar dipped cotton ball over the portion of warts and then cover that portion with elastic bandage. Keep this for two hours in a day every day. You will certainly see difference.

Banana peel

In order to remove warts from your skin, one of the natural ways of treatment is taping a piece of banana peel. You can even rub the inner portion of the peel over the warts which will ideally help in dissolving the warts as the chemical present in it is having a wonderful formula to remove warts from the skin.

Crushed garlic

Take few cloves of garlic and crush it with the help of a knife or any other crusher. Since it has caustic effect, your warts will get the shape of a blister. After few weeks this blister will fall off. Do apply the juice of freshly crushed garlic everyday and feel the difference after few months.

Unripe papaya

Even the enzymes present in unripe papaya will be ideal to treat the warts that appear over your skin. All you have to do is take few pieces of unripe papaya and cut it into smaller pieces. Now take it in a vegetable grinder to make a paste out of it. Now apply this juice or pulp of the unripe papaya over your warts and wait till it is dried. There after you can wash it with water.

Castor oil

If you have castor oil handy at home, apply it over the places where you have got warts. Do this every day before going to bed and cover it with a bandage so that it does not stick to your other parts of the body.  Do this regularly and you will definitely feel the difference.

Raw potato

The juice extracted from the raw potato will be really effective in treating the warts that appears over your skin. Though these warts are not very harmful, yet it is important remove it as otherwise it will make you look odd and you won’t be noted among the beautiful ladies.  You have to take ¼ portion of a potato, cut it in small pieces and get it in a grinder to make pulp. Now apply the juice over the skin where you have warts. Allow it to dry and then wash. But wipe with towel immediately after the wash or else you can even affect other parts of your skin.


You can get a dandelion from your garden if you have the same in your premise and squeeze the juice from the stem. Now dip a cotton ball over the juice and slowly apply it over your skin. You might feel mild irritation over your skin as it helps in stimulating immune system.

Fresh basil leaves

This is another effective natural remedy to remove warts totally from your skin layer. You need to crush the basil leaves and apply it over your skin where you have warts coming out. After keeping the crushed basil leave cover the same with a tape which is water proofed in nature.  Since the leaves have the components of virus cleaning, it will easily remove the effect of virus over your skin layer.  You must replace the basil everyday to get immediate remedy.

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from Beauty & Health Tips
Originally posted in Beauty & Health Tips

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