There are personalities around us who astonish us through their indomitable qualities. Their compassion astonishes us and their profound interest acts as an inspiration. One such personality is Ms Merin Joseph. Technological developments do not mandate knowledge about everyone and everything. For those who needs an introduction, she is one of the dashing IPS officers […]
Mind & Soul
How Not To Get a Valentine?

Its Valentine’s Day again. Huge hypes are on to impress Valentines. To impress valentines has remained a practice for ages now. Doing things in a different manner adds to the fun factor. This is what we intend to do. There are thousands of ideas to impress Valentine. Let us give you some ideas how not […]
10 Important Things You Need to Prioritize if You Want to Be Successful

If who you are isn’t who you’d like it to be, here are some helpful, worthwhile ways to steer yourself toward what is important.
3 ‘Bad’ Things that are Good for Your Relationship

Long-term relationships are hard. You have to share your life with a person who has a different personality and way of doing things. They are now harder than ever. We have lost our village. We need our partner to play all the roles our fellow villagers used to play. Friend, family, lover, partner. All these […]
What & How of IVF Treatment

Marriage is an age old tradition that celebrates love and union of two souls. It binds two hearts to each other with the thread of trust, respect and loyalty. Other qualities that make this thread stronger are supportive and encouraging nature of spouse, understanding and willingness to adjust to each others interests and finding innovative […]
This Website makes Understanding Law Easy for You

The judicial system of the largest democracy has always been very complex. Though the system protects every individual, but the intricacies of the same & the terms lawyers use kept the general population in fear. A year ago, this Delhi-based lawyer Srijoni Sen, took up a project to change this outlook. And was born. […]
You are Beautiful, No Matter what They Say

In the role of a daughter, sister, wife & mother, women tend to loose themselves. Some thoughts here for your thought.
20 Laws Against Sexual Harassment You Should Know About

Many women experience sexual harassment in their everyday life and yet not realize it. It is time everyone becomes aware of the line, and learn these laws which protect women. Check out Breakthrough India to know more about the laws under Indian Penal Code. H/T :
8 Reasons to Become an Entrepreneur

Do you dream of starting your own business but fear giving up a stable paycheck? Rather than focusing on that fear, consider how your life will change when you are doing something that you truly enjoy. No matter what you choose to do in life, there will be pros and cons. When you focus on […]