How to get rid of dark circles completely

Eyes Dark Circles

A dark circle is the skin condition that is seen to develop under the eye of individual just like a shadow or a ring like appearance filled with dark blackish surface. People get dark circles due to stress or too much exposure of eyes on the television screen or computer. Some people can form dark circles due to hereditary reason. Unhealthy diet can be another proven reason for getting dark circles under eye. Dark circles are not just restricted to women, rather men can also get infected with the under eye circle. People suffering from depression and tiredness can also get dark circles under eye. People having dark circles can look really unattractive in a social gatherings or a get together. Especially ladies are really cautious about this situation. But, you can always get some effective natural remedies to treat dark circles.

Dark circles, dark circles, dark circles? Dark circles under the eyes rob the beauty from you and makes you aged. The dark circles or black circles are the one of the beauty problem faced by many people. The dark circles are the blemishes around the eyes.

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The Reasons for dark circles

  1. Skin pigmentation – Use the general scrubs to removes the dead skin cells under the eyes. Apply the lemon etc to lighten the complexion of the skin under the eyes. Apply the vitamin E enrich oils on the dark circles to lighten. The pigmentation irregularities are due to unhygienic care at that section.
  2. Nasal congestion – If you snoring at night time? Are u asthma patient? The most common cause is having the breathing problem. Consult the ENT and treat the breathing problems.
  3. Improper diet – The improper diet may leads to decrease the fat and collagen in the skin. Take the fat and vitamin rich food.
  4. Heredity – the skin is thin on the eyelid area. The blood vessels cannot go to this thin area under the eyes. The compressed skin under the eyes leads to the dark circles. The skin can be compressed due to stress and anxiety.

Home remedies for dark circles

  • Take 1 tbsp of tomato juice and 1 tbsp of lemon juice and mix them well. Apply this mix daily twice for 15 days. Apply this solution with the help of cotton balls. Watch the below video.

  • Soak the 7-8 almonds overnight and paste them in the early morning. Add the1 tbsp of milk to the almonds paste. Apply this paste on the dark circles. Use this tip regularly for 15 days the under eye dark circles are lighten.

  • Take the mint leaves and make it as paste. Mix the 1 tbsp of mint leaves and 1 tbsp of lemon juice. Apply this mix on the dark circles. Lemon lightens the dark circles complexion.

  • Mix the 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of cucumber juice and apply on the dark circles. Wash it after 15 minutes. Continue this tip for 20 days.Watch this video.

  • Take the 1 tbsp of lemon juice and mix pinch of turmeric powder to it. Apply this solution with the help of cotton balls on the dark circles.

  • Take the 1 tbsp of rose water and 1 tbsp of lemon juice mix them well. Apply this mix with the help of cotton balls on the dark circles.
  • Cut the potato, cucumber into slices. Kept the slice on eyes makes you relief from the dark circles.
  • Apply the vitamin E rich oils on the dark circles like almond oil, Wheat germ oil etc daily

[Best home remedies for dark circles under eyes]

Take the 8 hours sleep at night time. Take the proper diet mainly vitamin E rich food. Add the healthy life style to you and get rid off the dark circles.

Ways to remove dark circles naturally

Cucumber for raccoon eyes

Cucumber is a very good natural fruit/ vegetable to get lovely skin. It has also been proved that, removing dark circles from the skin can be done with the help of cucumber. Since it has mild astringent properties it can easily make the dark tone of the skin lighter.  You need to take a slice of fresh cucumber thick in width. Now refrigerate the slices for half an hour and apply it over the dark circles rubbing it slowly. Alternatively, you can grind the cucumber and make its pulp and add a spoon of lemon in it. Now apply this pulp over the under eye dark circle and keep for 15 minutes. Remove it with cold water. You can see effective result if you can do this daily.

Get rid of dark circles with almond oil

You can soak some almond in water and grind it to extract oil from the same. You can also get fresh almond oil without any fragrance in the market. It is really an amazing mechanism to remove your dark circles completely. You can apply this oil under your eye before going to bed at night. This will allow you to get ample time to absorb oil in it.  After waking up in the morning, you can wash it with cold water. This practice must be done regularly if you stress your eye too much in front of the television screen or that of the computer screen. You can see major difference very soon.

Remove dark circles with raw potato

It have been realized very late that, raw potato consists of a natural bleach agent that helps in lightening dark circles under the eye. In order to remove dark circles completely from under eye, it is important to apply the juice of raw potato on a regular basis. You have to cut a slice of raw potato and apply the same under the eye. Alternatively, you can also make a pulp out of raw potato and apply the pulp over the dark circles in a distributed way. You need to cover the juice throughout the dark circles and even the eyelids.

Tomato for dark discoloration under eyes

The little sour nature of tomato is also having natural bleach property which will make your dark circles lighter. You can now make a solution with a teaspoon of tomato juice as well as a teaspoon of lime juice. Mix them well and apply it over the skin layer where you can see dark circles.  Keep the solution for 10 minutes and remove it with cold water.  If you don’t want to use lemon juice, simple tomato juice will be ideal as well.  Even if you can drink a glass of tomato juice with some mint leave over it along with salt and lemon juice, it will not only taste well but also prove to be a wonderful remedy for removing dark circles from your under eye. If you can drink the solution and apply the juice regularly, getting dark circle free under eye will be no problem at all.

Tea bags to lighten skin around eyes

Tea leave contains antioxidants which help in removing oxidants present in our body. One of the important reasons behind under eye circles is excessive amount of oxidants in the skin layer. Take two bags of tea which are already been used and keep the wet tea bags inside the refrigerator. Now put the tea bags over each eye when you are lying with your back touching a surface. Now, leave it for 10-15 minutes and then remove the tea bags. Now you can wash your face and feel a refreshing feeling over your eye. You can do this twice a week to get wonderful result.

Using makeup can be a solution to hide your dark circles but that will not make it disappear completely. So, in order to get rid of them taking a bit of extra care is necessary. In case your dark circles are caused due to any health issues, like anemia, you need to check that out with a doctor to cure it completely. Here are a bunch of home remedies that can help you to get rid of dark circles effectively. Before starting with more remedies, let me point out that if you are suffering or have suffered from dark circles always make it a point to wear a sunscreen while going out to the sun and wear a sunglass to reduce squinting of the eyes, both of which can worsen the condition. So let us start with more effective home remedies for dark circles,

Milk with cucumber and lemon juice

This technique can be very effective to remove even deep set dark circles within 15 days. However, you should use it only once in a day.

Take 1 spoon of un-boiled cow milk and add 1 spoon of cucumber juice, freshly prepared from grated cucumber, to it. Now add 2-3 drops of lemon in this mixture and let it cool in the fridge. After 10 minutes, soak a clean cotton ball in this mixture and dab the mixture around your eyes, including your eyelids and leave it on for 5-7 minutes. You should keep your eyes closed while applying the potion. After 5-7 minutes, wash off with cold water.


Green papaya can be very effectively used to remove dark circles. It takes a few weeks to show results and you need to follow the process twice a day to get the best results.

Take a small cube of green papaya and keep it in the fridge. After 10 minutes, start rubbing it around your eyes concentrating on the dark circles and on the eye lids. Do not apply pressure because that can hurt the eyes and harm the soft skin of this area. Continue rubbing lightly with this papaya cube for 8-10 minutes and leave on. Wash of after 5 minutes with plain water.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich in Vitamin E and anti-oxidants and due to the smaller molecular structure of the fats present in this oil it is able to penetrate into the skin easily. You should use this treatment thrice a day for at least 15 days to get any visible improvements.

Take some coconut oil and massage it lightly onto the skin around the eyes. Massage for 5-8 minutes with light hands and leave on for another 1 hour before wiping it off with a wet cotton ball. You can also use the coconut milk for getting effective results.

Turmeric with Honey

Both turmeric and honey has skin lightening and skin rejuvenating properties. They can also soothe the skin and can be very effective to reduce the dark circles considerably. Use this pack twice a day and you can see improvements within 2 weeks.

Make a paste of fresh turmeric and mix 1 spoon of honey with it to make a sticky pack. Now apply this mixture around your eyes, including the eye lids. Leave on for 30 minutes and remove with a wet cotton ball. Finally wash off by splashing cold water and pat dry.

Apple and grapes

Apple has a good amount of malic acid along with Vitamin B, C and high potassium content. Grapes can also be highly effective to nourish the under eye skin and remove the dark circles. Use this treatment twice a day for 15 days to see visible improvements.

Make a paste of a small piece of Apple and one green grape. Do not discard the skins. Apply this paste around your eyes and let it set for 10-15 minutes. Remove with wet cotton ball and wash off after 30 minutes.

Carrot and Honey

This is another treatment that can come very effective to reduce dark circles. Carrot is high in carotenoid which is an effective anti-oxidant and can do wonders for the skin. Honey on the other hand has skin nourishing and natural bleaching properties. Use this pack twice a day for 2 weeks to get visible results.

Grate some fresh carrot into fine pieces and mix 1/2 spoon honey with it. Apply this pack around the eyes and on the lids. Let it set for 30 minutes and remove with wet cotton. Wash off with water only after 45 minutes to 1 hour.

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from Beauty & Health Tips
Originally posted in Beauty & Health Tips

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