It is certain in our life we all feel sad at one time or another. Being aware of the root cause is important. This knowledge will help us stay happy always.
5 Morning Habits That Will Make Your Day

What you do in the morning contributes greatly to the tone of your day. Here are 5 good morning habits which will help you own the day.
One Reason Stopping You from Being Ultra-Successful

This little-known habit separates successful people from the rest, according to science. Read on to know more.
10 Things Mentally Tough People Always Do

To be called mentally tough is the ability to perform at a high level when the stakes are at their highest. Read to know how.
5 Money Habits to Save More in 2018

If you have been struggling last year to save money, read our 5 tips to get a grip on your money habits & profit from it.
3 ‘Bad’ Things that are Good for Your Relationship

Long-term relationships are hard. You have to share your life with a person who has a different personality and way of doing things. They are now harder than ever. We have lost our village. We need our partner to play all the roles our fellow villagers used to play. Friend, family, lover, partner. All these […]
You are Beautiful, No Matter what They Say

In the role of a daughter, sister, wife & mother, women tend to loose themselves. Some thoughts here for your thought.
20 Laws Against Sexual Harassment You Should Know About

Many women experience sexual harassment in their everyday life and yet not realize it. It is time everyone becomes aware of the line, and learn these laws which protect women. Check out Breakthrough India to know more about the laws under Indian Penal Code. H/T :