Top Monsoon hair care tips for women

monsoon hair care

Rain brings relief from scorching hot climate during the summer season. With the arrival of monsoon people feels happy as they can no more feel the deadly heat of summer. Heat strokes and sun burns are one of the negative affects which you can stay far away after arrival of monsoons. But, even in monsoons some negative effects can crop up which might affect your hair. If you want to keep your hair healthy and sound during such climate, there are some important tips which you should always follow.  Today, our environment has become so much polluted that it does not only bring rain water in fresh and pure form, rather dust carbon and other objects are associated with the rain. Thus, the acid rain is formed and can even damage your hair once it falls over it. There will be hair falls and other adverse effect of acid rain.

Monsoon is the special season with the special conditions. In monsoon the humidity is high. The humidity in the air causes the hair scalp wet, when the hair scalp is getting wet there is a chance to dandruff. This affects the hair and the beauty of the person. Rain in the monsoon season is also another problem.

Monsoon hair care tips

  • In the monsoon humidity is high it make the scalp wet. So make your scalp dry. Do not get wet your hair in the rainy water. Use the umbrellas or caps in the rains.
  •  If your hair getting wet in the rain then makes your hair scalp possibly dry.
  •  Take the hair baths 2-3 times in a week. It makes the hair scalp clean and conditioning. It further avoids the fungal infections in the scalp area.
  • Do not leave your hair wet .Do not tie when it is wet.
  • Use the hair conditioners for the tangled and frizzy hair.
  •  Drink lot of water and fluids and maintain the body hydrated.
  •  Do not afraid of little hair fall. This is common condition in the monsoon season.
  •  Avoid the hair procedures like hair straightening and hair curling. This type of procedures will make the hair draft weak.
  •  If you face the serious problems please consult the dermatologist or trichologist.


  • Take hair bath 2-3 time in a week.
  • Apply oil before going to hair bath.
  • Take vitamin E rich food.


  • Don’t keep your hair wet.
  • Don’t comb when it is wet.
  • Don’t use the dryers in monsoon.

The above are the few tips about the hair care in the monsoon. Must follow the do’s and don’ts.

Monsoon hair care tips for women

Mild shampoo

While monsoon knocks your door, you should keep your hair clean after coming back from outside where acid rain might have dropped over your hair. But, do not use any shampoo that is chemically rich, rather go for the varieties that are very mind and really safe for your hair. Even during the monsoons, you hair becomes limp. Shampooing will create additional volume to your hair and make you look attractive.

Condition your hair

During monsoons, only using shampoo is not enough, you also need to go ahead with proper conditioning of your hair. You can either use some home remedies such as application or egg yolk or that of curd in order to condition your hair or get some effective conditioner from the market which is of same company with that of your shampoo. Since hair becomes too much fizzy and clumsy during such season, using conditioner will be a must.

Proper diet

One should also concentrate on diet when they wish to keep their hair healthy during the monsoons.  Like our body requires vital nutrients as well as minerals to stay healthy, similarly our hair should also be equipped with same amount of proteins and minerals. You should consume enough protein during monsoons not only to keep yourself healthy and sound but also provides a wonderful boost to your hair growth and retention of hair volume with low hair fall.  The food items which you should concentrate are nuts, green veggies, carrot, salmons, kidney beans, eggs etc.

Using specific comb             

When you are using a comb, make sure that the teeth of the comb have enough space in between so that the hair stands does not break. You may also use comb with tiny and less spaced teeth but once your hair stands have become allied and knot free. There will be less chance of hair break and hair fall in such situation. Even, when you are using a comb, do not share it with others as you might not know whether and in what extend dandruffs are present in their hair. Sin dandruff is a fungal infection it can spread from one person to another. If you are regularly using other’s comb or sharing your comb with someone else, there will be good chance that dandruff can also spread to your hair.

Short hair cuts

If you want to stop hair breakage during the monsoons, the best way will be to keep your hair short. If you have been maintaining long hair but now can find out dullness, dryness and unattractive nature of the same, the best way will be to cut your hair short. If you have short hairs, there will no ways in which your hair can fall out. Since your hair has become short, while combing your hair the root of the hair may not be pulled which will give you beautiful hair with no breakage at all. Thus, make a fashion of keeping your hair short during the monsoons.

Don’t tie wet hair

Wet hair is really very sensitive and can give rise to breakage. When you have come out from shower, along with your full body, your hair will also be wet. You need to dry your hair immediately but standing under a wall fan or ceiling fan to make it dry. It is advisable to cover your wet hair with towel at first and then slowly rub it with towel. There after stand under a fan or sunlight to make it dry completely. Also remember not to use comb over your wet hair as this can give rise to breakage. When your hair is wet, the root of hair becomes very soft which is prone to breakage.

from Beauty & Health Tips

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