Soybeans have increased in popularity with new soy products like soy milk and textured vegetable protein or tofu. Read its benefits.
With Grit She Found Glory

Shipra Mathur simply inspires you to pick that dumb-bell and start exercising. She shares her fitness journey with all of us.
30 Minutes of Face Yoga Can Make You Look Three Years Younger

Facial workouts, also known as face yoga, is a beauty trend which has emerged in the past few years, and promises to be an alternative to botox.
Include these Ingredients For a Liver Detox Diet

Our liver is the house guard of our body, scrutinizing everything that enters the body. Ensuring liver detox will help us live long strong.
A Health Checkup Can Stop That Worrying

Know why you need to get that pending health checkup done asap. Share this with your loved ones to convince them. Book one for them today.
Sleep Better to Lead A Fulfilling Life

Maintaining healthy sleep habits can make a big difference in your quality of life. Read on to know more about how to sleep better.
Are You Listening To Your Body? Signals to watch for

If we listen intently to our body’s signals and work accordingly we will always have a healthy and a fit body. Follow these simple steps to stay fit.
Stevia is the Healthy Sweetener You Want

When life forces us to cut on sugar, we indulge more on the same. Stevia comes in handy helping us to overcome this psychological impediment.
Climbing Stairs can Get Your Stress Down

You will be forgiven for wondering why stair climbing is a sport. Surprisingly it is a free, easily available way of exercise.We easily find stairs in our neighborhood yet we hardly make use of it. There are numerous health benefits of stair climbing. So if you are wondering how to start working out then stair […]
Why You Need to be Careful while Playing Sports?

Playing any sort of sport is not only fun, but also helps in keeping body fit and fine. Many people are fascinated with sports and try to convert their passion into their career. To become a sports person, it is important that the training should be commenced from an early age. Most of the athletes […]