When Should You Get Married?


“When you are of the proper age”, your mom will say. “Why, immediately after your elder sisters and cousins are done with their marriages”, your aunty might add. Your friends will prompt you to walk the aisle as soon as they are ready to do it themselves!

But indeed, this is not a query that someone can answer for you. You should raise it to yourself, introspect, debate and decide on your own.

Here are some questions you need to ask yourself before you tie the nuptial knot.

  • Do you, first of all, believe in the institution of marriage? That, there is something as permanent and as lasting as wedlock?  Now, don’t go into the philosophical depths of the statement. Respond based on your personal beliefs and judgements.
  • Are you ready for a forever commitment? Just imagine yourself, holding hands with your significant other, some 35 years from now and you will get the answer.
  • Next, do you think that you are financially independent; so much so that you can take care of both of you if the times need? Or at least so much that you can take care of your little needs, like parlour expenses or EMI for your brand new smart phone?
  • Is your body and mind ready to accept the huge change of having someone constantly at your side, someone who might invade the private space, which you have so jealously guarded till now?
  • Have you had enough of your freedom? And it’s not your casual dates and night-outs with friends that I am talking about. Do you still feel that you need not share all the decisions of your life with your ‘someone special’, since they are all ultimately going to affect you?
  • Lastly, are you ready for more responsibility? After you take the vows, you will be responsible for both of your lives and life decisions and there are no escape routes.

Remember, marriages are made in heaven but fulfilled on earth! It takes a sense of ownership and lot of accountability and maturity from both sides to make it a success.

So, if the answer to any of the above questions is a no, ladies seriously reconsider that decision.

Poornima Mandpe

A dreamer and a book worm, I believe in following the dictates of my heart. I intend to make a meaningful contribution to society in a small way through my writing! Currently a part of an NGO (Akshara) that works for women empowerment and gender justice.

2 Comment

  1. Kamakshi says: Reply

    Amazing article.

    1. admin says: Reply

      Thanks, Kamakshi. Means a lot.
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