This Home Baker can Wow You with Love & Flour

love and flour

A Hotel Management Graduate, Sarah Patka started her venture from her South Bombay home to experiment with deserts.

After having a brief experience in the hospitality industry, this young and talented baker found her true calling in Love & Flour. Her Instagram feed itself looks delicious.

Here she is telling her story.

Tell us about your startup.

It had started with an initiative to provide FRESH, made from scratch to produce something delectable and yummy.

How did you come across this idea?

My mother did. She saw me loving desserts and experimenting each day. We ended up with Love & Flour 🙂

What was the reaction from your family & friends?

Extremely positive

Tell us about your startup journey so far?

It has been an amazing journey, lots of struggles faced, lots of criticism received, appreciation too. It has been a roller coaster ride.

What was the key challenge & how did you overcome it?

Key challenge was to honestly survive in a market full of professionals doing what they are doing in a restaurant or patisserie, while i was doing from home.

Please share your road map ahead.

Road ahead seems to be of owning stores in various parts of Mumbai.

If there is one thing you would like to give as a message, what would that be?

Be who you want to be and Do what you want to do , you have one life – make the most – sky is the limit.

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