Benefits of Lavender oil – Uses for body care and skin care

lavender oil beenfits

Lavender is one of the essential oil which is good and refreshing to smell, as well as many utilisations. It has a relaxing effect on our body which is really necessary after a long and hectic life. This also heels the cuts, bruises and different type of skin irritation. The fragrance of the lavender oil is very calming and brings a rest of mind.

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The real benefits of lavender oil

So, always keep a bottle of lavender oil at your home. Lavender is a beautiful romantic flowerwhich helps in relieving oneself from different body pain, lessens the degree of nervous tension, and help in disinfecting of the scalp and the skin too. Lavender essential oil also is very much useful for respiratory problem and increases the blood circulation. The meaning of lavender is Lavare in Latin the meaning of which is to wash. The process of the extraction of the lavender oil is through steam distillation from the flower of the lavender flower. The lavender oil is splendid for aromatherapy, also used to make aromatic preparations. Every essential oil does not blend well with all other essential oil. For lavender oil the blending is well with pine, clary sage, cedar wood, geranium and nutmeg. The lavender oil can be used to make aroma oils, gels, lotions and infusion etc. We always think and discuss about various ways to keep away bugs and insects from home. So, the smell of the lavender oil is not very comfortable for bugs like midges, mosquitoes and moths.

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The Outcome of oil application

The application of the oil on the body prevents the painful insect bite. Now the twin in one purpose of this oil is that this not only keeps the bugs away but is also used as anti-inflammatory to reduce the irritating sensation of the bite of the bug. Lavender oil is good for people who are suffering from the acne problem. Acne is an unwanted situation as it looks ugly to have them and also keeps ugly long lasting marker after they go. This is a cause of embarrassment for the young stars. This is the bacterial infection which comes in form of red sores, and is painful. The lavender oil inhibits the bacteria and also regulates the extra secretion of sebum. Lavender essential oil is useful for various types of pains. It gives relied to the muscles ache, sore ache, sprains, rheumatism, backache and lumbago etc. Regular massage heals the joint pains too. Now, can you imagine the vast extension of its usage towards mankind? Lavender essential oil stimulates the urination process. People who have urinary disorder can try this oil for better results. Lavender essential oil helps in keeping a hormonal balance which help in reducing cystitis. This useful oil helps us in respiratory problem. It is used during the throat infection, cough and cold, flu, asthma, sinus symptoms, bronchitis, whooping cough, tonsillitis and also laryngitis. Now for this disease we can either take in a form of vapour or applied on the skin of chest, back and neck. The phlegm is relieved by the stimulation of the lavender oil. The oil is such useful; it can help to cure the respiratory. Lavender oil also finishes the lice, lice eggs, and nits. This oil works well with hair fall problem and also alopecia. This is also a baldness preventative measure. Scientists had been successful in finding that the breast cancer of mice is cured. So, further research can show that it may have success for women too.

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Lavender oil is diversely used for many purposes

Another important thing is the proper blood circulation within our body. So, lavender essential oil helps in the blood circulation system. It is good for keeping blood pressure in control. This correct supply and circulation of blood keeps the skin fresh, bright and healthy. This oil boosts the muscle strength and activates the functioning of the brain. So, risk of heart attack is very less.
Problem of digestion is very common now-a-days. But this useful oil increases the movement of the food within the intestine. This oil produces gastric juice and bile and solves the indigestion problem, colic, vomiting, diarrhoea problem to a greater extend.

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from Beauty & Health Tips
Originally posted in Beauty & Health Tips

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