Facial workouts, also known as face yoga, is a beauty trend which has emerged in the past few years, and promises to be an alternative to botox.
Style & Makeup
You Can Shine With No MakeUp

“People are beautiful , not by their looks , not by what they say but what they are.” The Word “beauty” itself defines purity and simplicity of a women and there are no doubts that they prove it right, but beauty is not all about makeup and giving a glow to your face through different […]
7 Things About Basic Skin Care I Learnt Late

When we are young, we don’t value things in life as we believe that we can get away with anything. For me, it was skincare. Don’t make that mistake.
Stay Beautiful with Skin Laser

Skin Laser Resurfacing is a cosmetic procedure performed to eliminate or reduce facial wrinkles, acne scars or blemishes. Such skin irregularities may arise due to normal aging phenomenon, harmful effects of sun, skin disorders, or other known and unknown factors. Laser resurfacing of skin is also known as laser abrasion. Depending on the type of […]
Its Your Engagement! Look Awesome

Engagement is an auspicious event in the life of a woman who is getting married. It is the event for which every girl is excited about. Girls start preparing for making their engagement as a perfect occasion in their life. Right from the venue to the dress and make up she is going to wear, […]
Best designer iphone 6 & 6s covers & cases for women
Worried about keeping your new iPhone, new for long? Add the beautiful designer iPhone covers and cases on your phone and forget all the worries. These cases and covers come in unique designs and they can add a completely new beauty and glamour to your iPhone. Check out the collection of the best designer iphone […]
Reasons for missed periods and irregular periods
Menstrual cycles usually have estimated clockwork timings. On an average, you are supposed have periods as at interval of 28 days. It can be 2-3 days before or after, and that isn’t much of a concern. But if it gets beyond that, it means you have irregular periods. Around 30% of women have irregular menstrual […]
How to prevent dandruff during winter
The chilly winter days are not actually friendly with your skin or hairs and as the winter sets in, most of us find that the old problem of dandruff is back. Winter is the time when the air becomes dry and devoid of moisture, causing dryness of the skin as well as of the scalp. […]
What is cervical spondylosis?casues and its remedies
Cervical spondylosis is a degenerative condition related to the wear of the cervical vertebrae. Cervical spondylosis might or might not be related to age; however, its occurrence is more prominent in elders, middle-aged people and women. Loss of fluid from the cervical spine work as a reason for stiffening of the neck, which is a […]
Best fashion and style tips for women
Fashion goes hand in hand with ladies with regards to their outfit and other accessories. Every day when we plan to get out of home, we think about the dress by opening our wardrobe and see which one will suit us the best. Whether you will wear a western wear or traditional dress must be […]